How Has Visiting Or Living In Crete Changed You?

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Dr. Jack Dempsey Dr. Jack Dempsey
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How Has Visiting Or Living In Crete Changed You?

In the 1980s and 1990s, I had the tremendous luck in following my writer's star to live for extended periods in Crete. Among many practical and spiritual changes this brought me was an appreciation for living close to the land, and for community sharings of activities that celebrate and deepen our understandings of where we are as human beings.  Another was an empowering awareness of the Cretans' ferocious sense of home and of freedom---and still further, a wonderful new sense of time itself (try living without a watch for months at a time, live according to the sunlight and the land, and you are on a different planet).

In Crete I saw again and again that only "a real man" can dance, can cry and will spend daily time with his children. In Crete I lived with people who despise TV and its fake destructive "cultural values," and who instead actually enjoy their direct human relationships of family and "tribes" of friends, instead of living a race to nowhere concerned with having things and getting money. In Crete the most memorable times were around a simple table with fresh simple food, drink and the best of friends....There's so much more---and we'd love to know your experiences! Most of all perhaps, wherever I am these days (and it has not been in Crete), I am "homesick" to the marrow of my bones, as if my soul was actually born there and longs to know that sense of "home" again....How has Crete changed you?